Barn2 WooCommerce Lead Time WordPress Plugin

Barn2 WooCommerce Lead Time WordPress Plugin

Barn2 Plugins WooCommerce Lead Time is a handy tool that helps users show when customers can expect their orders to arrive. This plugin offers two types of lead times for products: Static lead times, where you can add fixed text to display on the product page. For instance, if you set a static lead time of “5 days,” that message will always be shown. This option works best for products with consistent delivery times. On the other hand, there are Dynamic lead times, where you specify a date for when the product will be available, and the plugin calculates the lead time accordingly. For example, if you expect stock to arrive on November 30th and today is November 10th, it will show a lead time of “10 days.” This option is ideal for products that are set to arrive on a specific date. You can mix and match static and dynamic lead times for various products and stock statuses.

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Last updatedOct 05, 2024
AuthorBarn2 Plugins
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