Refund Policy

By registering an account and purchasing means you agree to our Refund Policy!

Before a refund is granted, allow us to try and help solve any problem you have by opening a ticket in our support desk. Please give it 24-72 hours for our Support Team to get back to you on your support requests. We do our best to answer a lot faster to your requests.

Nature of digital media (software) that can be downloaded instantly after a purchase has been made. There is no “trial” or “grace period” after purchasing any product which means all sales are final. Once you have purchased the software, there is no way to “return” it. As such refunds can not be provided.


  • Money back guarantee is available for 7 days from the date of purchase.



Refunds are issued for the following reasons:

  • The member cannot download any items or does not receive downloaded items.
  • All the items the member downloaded are not working. (not some of them).

No refunds would be processed in the following cases:

  • Lifetime Membership: Membership at this level have access to all items and never expires, no refunds are issued for this level of membership.
  • Upgrading/downgrading membership: Upgrading/downgrading your membership will replace your current membership with a new membership. No refunds will be issued for your old membership that has been replaced.
  • you purchased a membership by mistake and the download access was sent/already downloaded by you.
  • the membership was bought by your employee or inmate from your PayPal account which he/she had legal access.
  • you have changed your mind about an item/subscription.
  • you refused provide to our support staff access to your web-site to investigate our product you are having issue with.
  • you refuse to provide the information requested by our support staff.
  • you are rude or say bad things to our support staff.
  • you is in breach of the SnackWP fair play/usage policy.



Refunds are issued for the following reasons:

  • completely non-functional.
  • you didn’t download any or many files from our website.
  • product main description was fully misleading.
  • product file contains viruses, malware or malicious scripts.
  • product file is different from the description.
  • product requires a license key to work.

No refunds would be processed in the following cases:

  • you bought an item by mistake and the product(s) was sent/already downloaded by you.
  • product was bought by your employee or inmate from your PayPal account which he/she had legal access.
  • product was bought for free using any discount or coupon.
  • the product is incompatible with your WordPress, plugins or web server settings.
  • you doesn’t have the ability to work on the purchased products.
  • the product does not function as you want.
  • the product displays a message about the need to enter a license key or activation.
  • you broke your website when installing the product.
  • you have changed your mind about an item/subscription.
  • you refused provide to our support staff access to your web-site to investigate our product you are having issue with.
  • you refuse to provide the information requested by our support staff.
  • you are rude or say bad things to our support staff.
  • you is in breach of the SnackWP fair play/usage policy.
Updated on: October 1, 2024