BookingPress Google Calendar Integration Addon

BookingPress Google Calendar Integration Addon

The Staff Member’s appointment changes may be viewed, managed, and connected to with the use of the Google Calendar addon. Staff members will be able to manage and synchronize their booking schedule for the services they are allocated through the use of the Google Calendar plugin.

The staff member’s Google calendar will sync with any appointments made by customers, and the appointment will be added to it with the set Event Title, Description, and Location.

Note: If the service capacity is more than one then only the last booked/rescheduled/updated appointment location data will be stored in the Google Calendar event.

The personnel will be shown as busy in the Google calendar and those service slots won’t be accessible for booking through a booking website at that specific time if they are already assigned to any of the services.

Note: Cancelling, Deleting, or Rescheduling the booked appointments will need to be done from BookingPress and not from Google Calendar. Suppose if the staff member does any changes to the appointment schedule from their Google Calendar, then it will not reflect in BookingPress, but if the admin will change the schedule from BookingPress, it will be updated in the Google Calendar as well.

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License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install BookingPress from our website.
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Last updatedOct 27, 2024
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