BookingPress Google Captcha Integration Addon

BookingPress Google Captcha Integration Addon

With appointment forms, BookingPress offers a Google ReCaptcha extension to safeguard your website from spam and abuse. By using Google ReCaptcha, you can stop spam and malware bots from filling out forms on your WordPress website. phony emails, comments on blogs, fraudulent transactions, contact form submissions, and phony registrations are a few examples of this.

Google ReCaptcha is available in a variety of formats. You can find them as a regular “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA or as an image-based puzzle. These are quick and easy steps that will prevent bots from flooding your BookingPress website. As a result, there will be less chance of malware on your website, resulting in fewer security lapses and spam.

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Product Activation
License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install BookingPress Pro from our website.

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Product information

Last updatedOct 03, 2024
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