BookingPress SMS Notification Addon

BookingPress SMS Notification Addon

If you’re looking to communicate with users during the appointment booking process without relying on email, SMS notifications are a fantastic addition to BookingPress. This feature allows the admin to send direct messages to customers about important updates, such as when their appointment is confirmed, if a new appointment has been made, or if an appointment has been canceled or rescheduled.

It ensures that both the admin and clients stay informed about all aspects of their bookings, including whether a booking was successful, canceled, or if payment has been processed. The addon is user-friendly; you can easily insert placeholders and tailor your messages based on various booking conditions. This way, SMS messages are automatically sent to clients’ phone numbers, dynamically incorporating relevant information based on the selected service and the client’s booking status.

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Product Activation
License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install BookingPress Pro from our website.
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Last updatedOct 27, 2024
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