Easy Digital Downloads Custom Deliverables Addon WordPress Plugin

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Deliverables Addon

The Custom Deliverables extension for Easy Digital Downloads is an excellent choice for freelancers or anyone who needs to send personalized files to their clients. This extension provides a Custom Deliverables interface for each payment record, allowing you to easily upload or attach files for your customers. After you upload the tailored files, clients can conveniently download them directly from their accounts. The files are securely protected and monitored, just like all other deliverable files in Easy Digital Downloads, so you can track when a customer downloads their customized files. You can access this information anytime under Reports → File Downloads.

Additionally, it works seamlessly with the AmazonS3 extension or the Dropbox File Store extension if you need to send larger custom files that exceed your web server’s storage capacity.

This plugin requires Easy Digital Downloads (https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/).

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Last updatedDec 14, 2024
AuthorEasy Digital Downloads
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