Envira Gallery Dynamic Addon WordPress Plugin

Envira Gallery Dynamic Addon WordPress Plugin

The Dynamic Addon is a highly effective Envira Addon that allows you to effortlessly create dynamic and impressive galleries in no time. You can easily generate a WordPress gallery using images linked to a specific post or even a custom selection of images. This addon enables you to build galleries from your NextGen gallery images, or you can replace the standard WordPress gallery with the Envira gallery engine. While the Envira interface is user-friendly, there are times when you simply want to set up a gallery quickly without the hassle of re-uploading images or modifying data.

This plugin requires Envira Gallery Pro installed and activated to work.

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Product Activation
License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install Envira Gallery Pro (Core plugin) from our website.
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Product information

Last updatedDec 14, 2024
AuthorEnvira Gallery
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