Envira Gallery Pagination Addon WordPress Plugin

Envira Gallery Pagination Addon WordPress Plugin

Are you looking to divide your WordPress galleries into several pages? With Envira Gallery’s pagination addon, you can easily paginate your galleries and albums! This feature lets you showcase your image thumbnails across multiple pages, enhancing load times and making it simpler for your visitors to browse through your images. It’s particularly beneficial for galleries and albums that contain a large number of images. For instance, if you have an album with 100 photos, you can limit it to 10 images per page, allowing your audience to concentrate while still highlighting your stunning visuals! Once you activate the pagination addon, a new tab will appear when you create or edit your galleries and albums.

This plugin requires Envira Gallery Pro installed and activated to work.

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Product Activation
License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install Envira Gallery Pro (Core plugin) from our website.
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Product information

Last updatedDec 14, 2024
AuthorEnvira Gallery
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