WPML Multilingual ElasticPress Addon WordPress Plugin

WPML Multilingual ElasticPress Addon WordPress Plugin

WPML ElasticPress brings multilingual search capabilities to your WordPress site powered by WPML and ElasticPress. It examines content in its native language for precise indexing, allowing users to see relevant information in their preferred language. Additionally, WPML ElasticPress accommodates intricate queries, such as searching for posts, related content, terms, comments, and users.

This plugin is an addon for WordPress Multilingual, it requires WordPress Multilingual CMS plugin installed and activated to work.

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Product Activation
License statusActivated by the core
NoteThis product license is activated by the core. Please make sure to install WPML CMS Premium (Core plugin) from our website.
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Product information

Last updatedNov 28, 2024
AuthorWordPress Multilingual
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